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It’s out with the old and in with the new! As we welcome a new year, you may be embracing fresh beginnings in your personal life – but also keep in mind that it’s an opportune time for your homeowner’s association to set new goals, address past challenges and strengthen your community as a whole. Below, we offer tips on how your HOA can conquer 2024 with ease.

Review Past Year’s Successes and Challenges

As you look back on 2023, reflect on the successes your community achieved and learn from the challenges you faced. There are several areas your HOA should review, including financials, maintenance, community engagement, etc. As you reflect back, discuss what did and didn’t work well for your community, as well as your plan of action for improvement. At EZR, we can serve as a strategic partner for new approaches your community is interested in implementing!

Set New Objectives

Whether it’s improving your budgeting process; implementing renovations; evolving community regulations; or increasing resident social events, now’s the time to secure those goals for your HOA. Don’t forget that it’s important to involve your residents in the goal-setting conversation! You can enhance community sentiment through online surveys or “town hall” meetings. This ensures that your board is making decisions that align with your residents’ needs.

Embrace New Technology

Our team stresses the importance of leaning into technology and the efficiency, accuracy and security it provides. Not only is technology easier to use than traditional methods of communication, it provides more information. When residents already have answers at their fingertips, they won’t have as many questions, which saves them (and you) time. This year, EZR is excited to launch a new technological approach for our communities – stay tuned for more information!

Tackle this year with a revived sense of purpose! Through consultation and collaboration, EZR and your HOA can work together to set essential goals for your community. Reach out to us today to get started!