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Couple standing together

Fostering a strong sense of community is essential if your HOA wants to sustain resident satisfaction. At EZR Management, our work isn’t confined to simply maintaining your property. We work in tandem with HOAs to nurture connections – hearing out and acting upon the diverse needs of the community. Below, we offer suggestions on how to preserve vital relationships within your HOA community.

Conflict resolution

Discord within a community is inevitable – it’s the manner in which you handle conflict that determines the success of your HOA. At EZR, we value openness, fairness and mutual agreements when it comes to resolving a conflict. We don’t act as dictators. Open discussions, where all parties can collaborate and voice their opinion, is the foundation of our client satisfaction model.

Efficient communication

Reliable, consistent communication prevents most of the confusion that lies at the root of many customer service issues. Whether it’s maintenance updates or policy changes, keeping the community closely in the loop in a timely manner is essential  for establishing trust and resident buy-in.

Technology as a tool for engagement

Not only is technology easier to use than traditional methods of communication, it provides more information. When residents already have answers at their fingertips, they won’t have as many questions, which saves them (and you) time. Digital platforms provide convenient and accessible ways for residents to connect, get their questions answered and stay informed.

Thanks to our service, processes and structure, establishing cohesive, happy and efficient communities is our bread and butter! Through consultation and collaboration, EZR and your HOA can work together to set essential goals for your community. Reach out to us today to get started.