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Home Owners Association

When governed by an HOA, communities enjoy several perks and advantages. However, in order to achieve and maintain those advantages, HOAs are responsible for enforcing certain rules and regulations, while upholding community standards and safety. When rules are broken, violations unfortunately must take place. We do understand that receiving a violation can be frustrating, which is why we’d like to offer a few tips on how to avoid violation notices.

Help Keep the Aesthetic

As an HOA property manager, one of EZR’s priorities is to help elevate and uphold a neighborhood’s aesthetic appeal. That does sometimes mean we must pay close attention to home exteriors in the communities we serve, and one of the most common violations residents receive is for an unkempt yard. Maintaining a tidy yard not only elevates the community’s appeal, but it also showcases your commitment to homeownership. HOAs often provide lawn care services for residents, but we also encourage you to spend a little bit of time each week dedicated to lawn maintenance.

Communicate With Your HOA

In order to understand and comply with certain regulations, we always encourage an open line of communication between HOAs and their neighborhoods. This ensures both parties are on the same page. For example, if you plan to undertake home renovations, let your HOA know! Keeping HOAs in the loop ensures your plans align with the community’s guidelines.

Address Violations Promptly

It’s important to resolve violations, and your HOA is there to help you through the process. Ignoring or delaying action can lead to further enforcement measures and potential fines. Our priority is to work with you to resolve the matter.

HOA violations can happen, but with proactive communication and adherence to the guidelines, you can avoid them. EZR Management is here to help! Interested in learning more about how we can service your community? Contact us today!