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Security deposits can sometimes be a controversial topic, but they’re necessary for keeping a property in tip-top shape. Security deposits are enforced for residents in order to protect the space, while also giving you some motivation to keep your residence in good condition. It’s never fun paying a fee upfront for damage that hasn’t happened, but receiving the money back after a harmless stay is encouraging! As a property management company, we want to give you your money back at the end of your lease. With these tips, you can avoid damage and have a good chance of recouping the fee you paid upfront.

Read your lease

Thoroughly reviewing your lease is a great starting point. Your lease should have clear information on the expectations in place to receive your security deposit back. It could be helpful to make a checklist and hang it on your fridge, so, throughout your residence, you remember what needs to be done in order to regain your deposit.

Document your space

Be sure to take photos and videos of everything. This content should include date and timestamps. Having physical proof of your space being neat and undamaged will only benefit you. If you notice something is damaged upfront, be sure to alert your landlord so you aren’t charged for those damages.

Clean up

A deep, thorough cleaning of your space before you move out will give you a good chance of recouping your deposit. Be sure to wipe down inside the refrigerator and oven, as those two spaces are typically forgotten. Other than that, general dusting, mopping, nail hole patching and vacuuming will ensure your home is in good shape.

Repair damage

Sometimes, things happen that are out of our control. If you have any damage at all, make sure to repair it before you move out. Work with your landlord to determine if on-site maintenance staff can fix the damage or if an outside vendor needs to take on the job. It’s always best to fix the damage immediately instead of waiting until your move-out date!

Security deposits are set in place to protect properties from long-term damage. By following these tips, your odds of receiving your deposit are high. At EZR, our top priority is to keep clients satisfied with their place of residence. Visit our website to learn more about EZR’s property management services.